Accident Claims and Repair

We provide accident claims & repair for all major insurance company like NTUC (all policy) approved workshop for: India, First capital insurance. Our skilled panel beater couple with our modern workshop equipment with ensures quality repair work for your car.

      No cash out front for all accident claims
      Courtesy car will be provided free of charge
      24 hours towing. Call Us for Enquiry 6452 1493
      Free estimation and quotation on the repair
      Full consultation & assistance in own damage claims (claiming your         own insurance policy) and third party claims (claiming from the other         parties)
      Free polishing upon delivery
      All repairs come with a 1 year warranty on workmanship and six         month on parts
      Free collection and delivery services

Fleet Maintenance

Our company core activities also include fleet maintenance for taxis and commercial vehicles.


Car Spray Painting

We have high quality on workmanship, our paint supervisor & QC will inspect during the job process.  Before hand over to our customer, QA will ensure the vehicle, is in tip-top condition before it moves to the Singapore road

why using Dupont Refinish ?

Our Spray Painting Section employs Dupont 2k fining System exclusively.

why using paint booth to spray a car ?

A paint booth is a structure which is designed to keep dust, other contaminants out of a painting area. Contaminants can have a major impact on the quality of a paint job, whether the paint is being applied to a piece of door or whole car.

Using paint booths ensures that paint jobs are done quickly and in a clean environment.